
By TINTA HUMSS 12 - March 18, 2019

by: Brayant

This world taught me things through rationality and experience. Some things are brought by my own wondering and looking forward to answers and discover accuracy throughout time. As a kid, a famous Filipino series had taught me to wonder if this world is wider than what I believe in. Kokey is a story of an alien been brought to earth and accidentally stayed permanently. Due to his unfamiliar features, and uniqueness people had become more scared and tend to harm him just because he is different. Yet this series gave me more questions to ponder about. 

A conspiracy theory has been all over the internet that aliens had been contacting us this whole time variety of events come under the rubric of beliefs in alien contact. Among these are mysteries like the alleged 1947 crash of a flying saucer in Roswell, New Mexico. The ensuing government cover up of that incident supposedly links to Area 51, a top-secret military base where experimental research is carried out, giving rise to rumors that the studies are actually on aliens and their technology. These opened so-called- "facts" are still undefined. But if these creatures came here and used for experimental purposes. Why can't people/astronauts study them on the planet of their own? Or do astronauts never seen aliens before? If technologies is continually innovating and has the credibility to discover and experiment then how could they prove the truth? 

Either of those things are true or not I myself had encounter to be alienate from people. Due to differences people had become diverse. As I grow up I want to know more about the world outside my own world. And to test limitations beyond limits.

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