Papers of Happiness

By TINTA HUMSS 12 - March 18, 2019

by: Pamela

Three years ago, 1 more month to wait before the school year has come to an end. We made an extra special event for us to spend the most of our time as we all move up to another level of our school life. We had an overnight at a vacation house, we spent a cold but cozy night doing a lot of fun activities, a lot of stories that have been discussed, and the midnight snacks we’ve shared as we watched the stars stood out in a gloomy sky. The most amazing part of the night was the letters we made for our friends and for our classmates just to have a remnant of ourselves to each of them. I appreciated how my friends exerted an effort with their letters, a lot of them became creative with their letters and expressed their emotions through their letters. Letters are very close to my heart that I kept even the smallest and simplest letters that were given to me 5 years ago. I was very happy to receive tons of letters especially the day was my birthday, it became more special and a heartwarming experience to me. 

Now, 2019. Looking back at those memories and reading all those letters again feels like it was happened yesterday that it was so fresh in my mind. Letters indeed give back your past memories. Those letters were kept in a nice glass box, whenever I feel down I just read some and my mood will instantly become lighter. Who would expect that this written letters on a piece of paper will help a person’s day to make them more brighter. They are only simple letters but with a great effect to a person’s mood. Don’t miss a chance to express your love for the people around you, grab a paper and write it!

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