
By TINTA HUMSS 12 - March 22, 2019

''Flirty'', ''Bitchy'', ''Slut'', ''Whore'', ''Hoe'' In modern culture, if a woman is having sex with multiple partners she is called a slut but in our world today, sexual experience is not criteria to be called by that way. This word has a lot of meanings that come with a variety of negative connotations. The term is used to degrade and belittle women for apparently expressing their sexuality, by the way they dress, dance, move or even talk. There is a word for it, slut-shaming. Do people really need to judge a woman for being just real to themselves and to the world? Is it really their fault that there are a lot of people who have malicious minds? Slut shaming is closely related to issues of victim blaming and rape culture, which promotes a strong beliefs against woman that women’s sexual liberalism is to be blame for their experiences of sexual assault and violence. By degrading a woman for expressing her sexuality whether she is wearing a decent clothes, talking like an angel, or walking like a Miss Universe means that any action, how big or small, can be criticized as negative. Whenever people slut shames a woman, it strengthens the message that women have no control of their own bodies and sexuality. People should stop being insensitive about this issue. People prefers to isolate and alienate these women who only wish to express themselves. Let’s open our eyes and minds. We need to respect everyone whatever their status maybe. Just because these women practice unconventional and non-traditional actions that are indifferent, this does not mean they do not deserve everyone’s respect. We need to remember that something unorthodox does not mean the deficiency of one’s dignity

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