by: JV
I am currently a graduating senior high school student and with that mentioning, I am in a lot of struggles right now. emotionally, mentally and physically somehow tired because of unfinished requirements that needs to be passed and other personal problems. One problem that I recently had was about this emotional struggle where I intended to not talk to anyone because I was stressing about things. That caused my friends and family to worry about me, and some that got mad because they didn't understand my situation.
All through out those times, I have gotten good and bad outcomes. one good outcome is that, I got to spend some time for myself where I had a time to think about things alone and reflect on my past actions. Also to think about what was really stressing me out and what I can do to minimize the stress and make it vanish once and for all. While having a good outcome for myself it is the opposite with the people around me. Some of them said that they felt like they did me wrong while some got mad and actually thought that I was just asking for their attention or overthinking because I have distant myself from them for a short period of time.
After what happened, I realized that I should've made myself clear to other people and actually tell them whenever i wanted to have some time for myself. In order for them not to overthink and think differently about me. Another thing that I have realized was that, not all people are sensitive enough to actually know when a person I struggling about some things. That, just because your friends are always with you, doesn't mean they know everything about you. Same goes with your own family.
I wouldn't say that I'm done in the phase of stressing out because to be honest there are still a lot of problem that i couldn't figure out up to this day. But now that I have actually experienced things, i now know how to handle if ever a situation like this will happen again. That if ever i have a problem I would let the people around me know whether they are actually involved or not in order for them not to stress out about others problem and also to talk to a person I can truly trust.