Negative Thoughts

By TINTA HUMSS 12 - March 11, 2019

by: Raphael

This has always been me, when it comes to thinking I always come up with negative thoughts in my head, even though some people are trying to change it, I just can’t because I used to overthink all the time. I really don’t know why I am still doing it, because to be honest when I’m thinking of it, it really comes true, and it is really happening in my life, one example that I can give is how me and my ex-girlfriend will break up and as time pass by it really happened due to my negativity.

In my life its different because even though I’m negative, I used to be positive with other people, its really strange because why can I make people feel positive when even myself can not. The good thing here is making them feel better. The bad situation is, myself can’t even feel it. The point that I make of it is when someone made me realize that I can think positive more than negative thoughts. I have done in the situation is by doing what that person told me to do.

So, if negative thoughts come again, I will fight it by simply looking at the brighter side and thinking all the reasons why it happened to me, maybe it has a purpose. Also, I just keep on thinking what my Mom told me, “Pray to God for your peace of mind and guidance. For every problem there is a solution.”

Reflection Question: How was this emotionally important? Or emotionally difficult?
This is very emotionally important to me because it really affects my emotions, to change for the better mindset.
This is emotionally difficult because of the negative thoughts that pulling me down and makes me feel bad due to overthinking. But even though negative feelings are there, I will not give up conquering it, I know that I am so much stronger than what I think and I’m still holding on to the Bible verse, Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, that makes me stronger to overcome my weaknesses.

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